Friday, December 12, 2008

Max Volume on Women

It's fairly simple: A Man wants to "Enter", a Woman wants to be "Entered". A Man wants to conquer, A Woman wants to accomodate. A Man wants to come inside and warm up, A Woman wants to warm & care for. It takes a man many rides in the saddle before he knows what feels good to a woman. Yes; Women want to feel good too. A Man will spend 10 minutes warming up his Truck so the fluids are ready, but expects a Vagina to be "Hot" Now! Women love to be adored, Women love to be touched, (editors note: "Fingers are important, use them to explore, and for God's sake trim your finger nails, and wash your hands) Women want to feel like the center of the universe, because, as the creator of life, you might just see the Solar System in their eyes. Women want to feather their nests, make them pretty, clean, and comfy. To enter her home, is to enter her Vagina. To have you inside is to trust you. Men want to enter, which means she's letting you inside her. Inside her. Yes she wants to know where you've been, because you're inside her. If you tell your Man friends that you met a sweet fine lady, and you went out, your Man friend will say (Ok here comes the obscure Led Zeppelin reference:) "D'yer Maker?" (did you do her ) If I tell my sister I met a sweet fine lady and we went out, she'll say: "who is she, where is she from, where does she work," ...she'll want to know everything from DNA up to now, because her brother is going for a swim in the gene pool of a woman she doesn't know. Sure, many Women pick Men their friends approve of. Like a handbag or accessory. Many men are picked because they fit. Oh you might think you picked her, but she got you. Nice to know you're a "Ken Doll" she likes to dress up, play house with and manage your finances. Many Men take what they get, Yet...they talk a good sport. We all want to belong to someone. Someday when you hit 40, and you're at the hospital, and they ask you for an emegency contact, pray that it isn't your Mom, you put down, Pray that there is someone in the world that loves you. Someone you can count on. Men are Hunters & Protectors. We used to all be vegetarians, but every 28 days men had to leave the cave and go kill something. "Baby I got you a fur coat, these fangs will make a fancy necklace, and tonight we're having a BBQ". To be a Man is to "Enter", to be a Woman, is to be "Entered".

Jerry Rice and Max Volume

One night a couple years ago, Nick Danger and I went to South Lake Tahoe, to attend the Maxim Party at Harrah's Altitude Night Club, which oddly enough coincided with the Celebrity Golf thing at Edgewood. Lots of famous people everywhere, Nick says, "we're the only nobody's here". I said "No Nick, we wouldn't be here if that were true, just act famous". I wandered over to check out this woman dancing on an elevated stage in the middle of the club. The music, Dj, sound system, all top notch. I watched as she swayed from side to side, so serene, so placid, so hypnotic. She seemed so peaceful, so happy. She was so beautiful, i had to stop and appreciate her work, her persona, her facade, her mystique. I became aware of someone standing next to me, but I was in trance. All at once she smiled at both of us, I turned to the man standing next to me, and said "Whoa". It was Jerry Rice. He looked at me, gave me that Superbowl Smile, and said ...emphatically..."Yeah, whoa"....We watched her some more. I thought, "what am I gonna say to Jerry Rice"? Thanks? Good to meet you? How was your game today? No. I just shared a man moment with Jerry Rice. It doesn't get any better. When the song changed, he smiled, gave me the head nod, I obliged with the same, and wandered off... to see Nick Danger who said, "So, now your old pals with the all time greatest"?

Great Moments in Radio...

It was back in the '80s. The Reagan Administration had just spanked Libyan Dicatator Mommar Khadafi. The Nation was on high alert for terrorist acts, in response to our actions. Later on, Def Leppard would immortalize the moment with a sound bite from President Reagan in the song "Gods of War", where Ron says "If you counted on America to be passive, you counted wrong". I was working on a Saturday, doing a remote at the Convention Center, to coincide with the area new car dealers auto show. Back in those days, the Dj did it all. You had to bring the equipment and set it up all by yourself. We didn't have the state of the art gear that we have today. No Tent, No Inflatable call letters, No kickin' sound system. All we got sent into the field with, was a banner, a Boombox, and some ancient army issue mobile radio hardware. So I get up early, put on my nice 501's, an Op shirt with a collar, and show up early to set up, test the equipment, and meet the mucky muck vip's. I was thinking in my mind what I needed to script for the live breaks I would be doing. I try to keep it concise, succint, and to the point. People want to get back to music. I came in the back door, with all the other working Joe's and set my equipment down near my designated spot. I ran back out to my Firebird, and got the prizes. You gotta have prizes. As I came back in I was grabbed, thrown to the ground, and had a gun drawn on me by the security team. Buch a good 'ol boys. The leader was a big 'ol boy. Probably 6'6", 300 pounds, with 100 of that being his massive beer belly (that more than "Dun-Lopped" over). He had bad teeth, a real tweeker set of chompers, and spit when he spoke. We'll call him Phil. His wingmen were "Rusty", a short lil' scrawny scrapper looking dude, who was flanked by "Chet", an enormous door shaker who I'd love to see catch anything in a foot race. So big Phil's got his gun drawn on me. I think it's a 9mm Smith&Wesson. At issue is the two anvil cases that hold the on air transmitter and microphones and crap. Sitting right next to everything, is the antennae, and stand. Captain Obvious could have put the two together. Big Phil wants to know what's in the cases. By now there's a huge crowd leering for a glimpse of something juicy to share later on with the other car dealers. "It's that Max Volume kid, the cops got him"! Big Phil thinks the radio gear is bombs. I said "I'm the Dj, I'm doing a live broadcast, that's my equipment". Big Phil lets me up, and while keeping his gun drawn, says "Open 'em up, lemme see". I walk over, open the anvil cases up, and start to assemble the transmitter. Big Phil finally puts his gun away. He comes over and says, "Look we figured you were one of Khadafi's boys". I looked at him and said "Are You Completely High"? He grabs my shirt and says "We don't want no trouble Rocker Boy", shoves me, and walks off. I researched my options legally. The consensus was, that the nation was on high alert. This pretty much gave Phil all the creative latitude to do whatever he wanted. Good Times!

Judas Priest Prelude

Let me preface this next story by saying that many have wrote about the Judas Priest trial. Many a TV newscaster covered the story. It became a focus of a "good versus evil" scenario. It was the "hot topic" of the time. For years, right wing wacko's and religious zealots had put forth the proposition that "backwards messages" and "subliminal messages" existed in Rock music and it was the Devil. An Ambitious Reno Attorney along with the families of two young Sparks Men, filed suit against Judas Priest for causing their suicide pact. It wasn't because they smoked a whole bag of weed, or drank beer all day, it wasn't because their home life, and parents, weren't a good thing. It was Judas Priests fault. Because, of course Rock Bands want their "die hard fans" die. Welcome to the mentality of Reno, Nevada, in the mid eighties. Fear is a great motivator. I had to write an essay on it once. Lots of print, and footage on the subject, but no one has ever heard it from the only Dj in Northern Nevada, who ever played Judas Priest. No one has ever asked me to tell it. Stayed Tuned...

Judas Priest and Max Volume

Great Moments in Radio 3.0 -Judas Priest Trial Category: Jobs, Work, Careers
The American Dream. It's different for each of us, yet so much the same. And why is it inherently American? I read this book by the Dali Lama. To surmise the wisdom of it's many pages, we're all so different, yet so much tha same. We all want Love. We all want a warm safe place to sleep. We all want clean water. A nice meal. Yet, by virtue of being ourselves, sooner or later we're going to piss somebody off. So why purposely piss someone off. You're gonna do it anyway. I read a book by Benjamin Franklin, "Poor Richard's Almanac". What did I get from it? This quote: "Most people die when they're 21, but they're buried at 84". By 21 most of the masses have learned all they will learn. they've decided on which foods, which "brands", which styles, which music they enjoy. They become rotting sacks of flesh, consuming, and purging, flushing away yesterday. Some reinvent themselves. Some grow. Some contribute. It's all a big equation in some Vonnegut daydream. I give. I have always been in pursuit of my dream. To find love, make a home, and participate in the arena of life. I got an internship in radio my first year in college. It was 1982. KOZZ was Reno's only Rock. There was a cool AM top 40; KCBN. They were good. They had class, top talent, and did a great job of mixing up the hits. They all had nice haircuts. KOZZ however, was the long haired hippie rockers. KOZZ had a 75,000 watt transmitter, and a relentlessly good staff. Led by Daniel Cook, a.k.a. the "Sarge", KOZZ started the day with Bruce Van Dyke, who did some of the coolest, funniest radio ever. Steve Funk followed with a mid day buffet of tasty treats, pure sonic bliss. The Sarge drove everyone home with some of the harder stuff, and had the gift of theatre to his show. After 6pm, I came on. I played whatever I felt like. I came up with names for excursions into the fray. Headphones Only was prog rock heaven. Metal shop was teeth, radio with bite. Power. I had every record company in the world sending me product. I listened to everything, and played what I liked. As a musician in a band, I could make a statement, but as a Dj with a "Big Stick" (radio terminology for transmitter in excess of 50,000 watts) I could shape the musical landscape of 3 generations of listeners. More people listened to me than drove cars. I had a 48- 53 share of male & female's 18-49. I could make or break bands. Then something happened that would end up taking the music away from the Dj's, and into the hands of the consultants. Rock Band Judas Priest would get sued for alleged "subliminal messages" in their music. Our company and general manager would issue this edict: that we trust the judgement of our Dj's to play quality music popular to the audience. Yet on a national level, the impact of the Judas Priest Trial, spearheaded by Ken McKenna, in Washoe County, would have broadcasting companies opting for the conduit of consultancy. Hiring a third party to make the decisions about music. The music was put on trial. Here in Reno, Nevada people would became polarized into two factions: those who thought the belief that music made two Sparks teens form a suicide pact was asinine, and ludicrous, and those who believed Rock music was the Devil. It was a story that sold newspapers, and got big ratings for the evening news. It had parents groups in a fuss. It had preachers screaming from the pulpit. Did they attack Columbia Records? Did they drive to Hollywood and do their backwoods hick song and dance? No. They came after me. It put my ass right in the crosshairs of every right wing wacko, religious zealot, and fueled the fire for the competition. Newspaper reporters were in the lobby waiting for me to get to work. TV news teams would have a camera on me when I got out of my car. Nice to get your car on TV so some nutjob can slash your tires. I had a TV news team show up at my house. My house was on the evening news! Shortly thereafter, my house was broken into, and some wacko destroyed all my belongings, and spray painted "Child Killer" all over the walls. Legal recourse? Basically what I got from the "Powers the Be" was, that by playing the music, I should accept the consequences of my actions...wait, what? Some sort of Machiavellian twist on "Tacit Consent". Good thing my guitar was with me. My girlfriend, being quite scared, left me, moved out. I slept in a cave on Hidden Beach. People spit on me in restaurants. I got "roughed" up a time or two. Always 2 or 3 big "rednecks", never a fair fight. I did many interviews of clear intelligent rational thought. TV took the sound bites they wanted, and Newspaper wrote stories with a "slant" to further their agenda: that I was a messenger of Satan. There was one decent guy, Steve Timko, Sparks Tribune. Steve didn't buy into all the fear mongering. Steve wrote a good string of stories and chronicled the case. I could have left Reno, but that would be cowardly. I was in it to the end. I would see the day in court. I would be vindicated. You see, until 1987, (when the "Sarge" and I started KRZQ,) I was the only person who ever played Judas Priest on air. I was implicated as the sole accomplice to the band, an emissary of sorts, administering the doses. They wanted to hold me accountable. They wanted to make an example out of me. I gave them all the finger. I forged on. By the late '80s Metal would be the biggest selling music on the planet. Here's a little lesson in economics: Rock Bands are out to sell CD's. No one is going to make money selling music that makes you kill yourself. Not gonna sell too many tickets to your shows, if everyone dies rockin out to your songs. When the trial was over, and Ken McKenna lost his case, Rob Halford, KK Downing, Glenn Tipton, Ian Hill, Skip Herman, several Sony Music Honchos, and I all broke bread, and drank of the vine...heavily. People from the biz still ask me: You still in Reno? You bet your ass. I'm still working on my American Dream, some jackass attorney gave me quite a detour.

Steven Tyler and Max Volume

Steven Tyler isn't thinking about yesterday. Yesterday got him here. Steven Tyler isn't thinking about Tomorrow. If he keeps his focus on what is happening right now, Tomorrow will be just fine. When I first met Steven Tyler, it was the winter of '85-'86. Aerosmith was reunited. After Joe Perry, and Brad Whitford left to do "The Joe Perry Project", and "Whitford St Holmes", respectively, the band was back to the original members and they had all gotten off the shit. They were on tour with the DiVinyls, a band most remembered for "I touch myself" (note to self: "beware the novelty song"). KOZZ was the presenting station for the double bill at the Lawlor events center in the winter of '86. Aerosmith was touring in support of "Done with Mirrors" an ok album, from the new marrriage to Geffen. The show had only sold maybe 2,000 seats at the 12,000 seat arena. I got a phone call from Daniel Cook, KOZZ's (then) Program Director. I had the night off, and a hot date for the show, but Daniel asked me to come up and be on the air for when Aerosmith came by. Hmmm, Aerosmith, live in the studio? Yeah, I'm down with that. I can do that. This is gonna be so f**king cool. Or will it? I don't know. You never know. As a Dj, you try to champion the new music you believe in, and sometimes the artists reciprocate with a great interview, or they promise to do a meet and greet with a bunch of listeners, and then sometimes they snub radio completely. Here's the scenario that's running through my head as I drove up to the station. These guys are my childhood heroes. What if they're stuck up. What if the interview sucks. What if I turn into a complete dorkwad, (like the deer in the headlights) and I drop the ball. Which guys will be there? Will there be a microphone set up for the band, or will we have to share? What if my relief doesn't show and I'm stuck on air? How late will I be to pick up girlfriend? Even though I'm late, will she be ready then? (all the men know what I'm talking about) My mind was going 120 mph, when I pulled onto the tarmac at KOZZ. Logistics. Algorythms, Logrythms, good God my mind is on fire! I take command in the studio. Sign all the federal documents, take necessary readings. I ask: "Who's coming, do we know"? A lot of times Reno becomes the farm club of other band members. We're the town where Jimmy & Billy get a chance to be in the limelight. We understand that Reno has immense distractions, and can be seen on the map through a string of mild mannered mid west shows as a great spooge happy rompstomp rest and relaxation oasis! Dude, they give you drinks if you're gambling! There's Hot Chicks Everywhere! Ok so we're down with that. We just want to make sure we give our listeners some connection with the band. It's a big day in Reno, when a band hits town, we're all excited. So now they're here. It's Bill Graham himself, with Steven Tyler and Brad Whitford in tow. After proper introductions, Bill Graham stands me and Steven Tyler right next to each other and says, quite firmly, and concisely succint, in the big voice we all knew so well...."You Two, Right Now, You Get On The Air And Sell Some Tickets!" and then, after that impregnated pause with the eye to eye contact was heard "Do You Two Understand?" ..."Now"....he then left the control room to go listen to us down the hall in my bosse's office. There was a small but powerful silence. Steve Tyler looks at me and says "Dad yelled at us". To wit; I replied, "Let's go do our chores". It was like spontaneous combustion. It was like we'd been fiends forever. Steven Tyler makes everyone he meets feel like the most important person in the world. I learned that. We cracked each other up, had a great inspiringly funny interview. Brad Whitford had fun, Steve Tyler was in his element. Steven gave the audience a bit of what to expect in the show by putting several albums on, and "touring the hot riffs" by landing the needle on the selected bits..."we're gonna hear this one, (puts needle down on Sweet Emotion, and what about this one, flips it over for Walk this Way, it was hysterical. It was most fun interview I ever did. Aerosmith went on to kick the shit out of Reno that night live onstage at the Lawlor Events Center. The show ended up doing over 7,000, and BGP was happy. Oh, and by me being late, she was actually ready. Good Times.

Jimmy Page and Max Volume

Coverdale- Page is a Cd that was built right here in Reno Nevada. Jimmy Page came to town one day, after David & Jimmy had decided to do an album of new material together. Both have serious affectations with the Blues. Both have a peculiar gift for the big rock riff. They immediately hit it off. I was there to answer the call when they needed a mobile recording studio, to pan out the "Sketches" of songs to be. This Cd stands as a great meeting of like minds. It's textures, and volleys of guitar amidst the sheer power of Coverdale's vocals, put it right up in my top faves. A rehearsal/ recording space was needed, and we put them in an upstairs square dancing hall near the corner of Mill & Terminal, in Reno, Nevada. Jimmy and I made friends, he's one of the most down to earth, real guys you'll ever meet. I remember the day he flew in his No. #1, THE Les Paul. If I remember correctly, it's a '67 which he got from Joe Walsh, after a show at Winterland. He told me Joe was adamant "You gotta play this guitar"! When it arrived, we were all sitting around David's Lake Tahoe Chateau, and Jimmy was teasing me..."So, you want to see it?" He'd open the case, and then shut it. A couple moments later he's do it again..."You want to see it"? Jimmy Page is very playful. Jimmy Page loves to tell the stories we all have heard. Furniture in a Seattle Hotel, needed to be "set free" ..."somone might need it" ...Fishing from the Hotel balcony? Why not? Televisions landing on Sunset Blvd? "They make a great sound when they explode"! "Ahhh, The Riot house needed new ones". I still have a pack of Camel lights 100's he left in my car, along with the cheesy souvenier "Reno" disposable lighter. One day I let Ben from Red Cel hold them. I often hold them before a show. Taking Jimmy Page out drinking is a serious endeavor. It's like taking a King, or a President out on the town. Working Secret Service style we'd take him to the toilet. I'd walk "point", and we'd remove everyone from his path. Five large men are needed to take Jimmy Page out drinking. That's why I called on my friends in the beverage trade to help. Once we'd secure a safe haven, in whichever Reno, night spot, Jimmy would lean over, and say "Max, you see that Blonde with the big tits? She's the one that wants to meet Jimmy Page". So now I'd approach said lady and ask her to join us. Jimmy Page would always offer up a $100.00 dollar bill for drinks, but we'd never let him spend it. How can you charge the man who gave you the best music of your life, transcending into the greatest moments of you life, for a beer? C'mon now! I firmly believe the English have a special Alcohol gene. You'd go out drinking with Jimmy Page 'til 5am, be completely trashed, and then he'd call at 10am the next day wanting to go to Bizarre guitar! In our next installment...."Max takes David & Jimmy to Poison"!

Jimmy Page

Okay, in our last episode we established that Jimmy Page had come to Reno to make a CD with David Coverdale of Whitesnake. And it was good. Right about that time Poison was on tour with the "Bullet Boys" (a cool Ted Templeman produced band in the vein of Van Halen), Slaughter (the pride of Las Vegas) and Poison Headlining at their Zenith (the tour would play at the Lawlor Events Center on the UNR campus). Scotty Roberts, Poison's Road Manager, calls me up and says, "Hey Max, will you call David and Jimmy, and invite them to join us"? So I did. It was a great night. The Bullet Boys, and Slaughter were like kids at Christmas. Tim Kelly, guitarist for Slaughter bear hugs me, and says "Dude! I met Jimmy Page, my childhood dream!" (Tim died in a car accident a couple years later, returning from a gig, so hey St Peter put that one on your list). I had been friends for years with Bret, C.C., Rikki & Bobby, through our mutual Hollywood friend Kenny Ryback. Poison had been asking Jimmy & David to come out and jam during the encore. David was a little pensive, due to the fact they wanted to do "Rock'n'Roll" by Led Zeppelin. David turns to me and says "what are the words?" (he was in Deep Purple, for crying out loud, why not do "Burn" as well?) Jimmy didn't like David being excluded, and kept saying "Thanks, but no" to the Jam. Poison was at their peak. They had an ass kicking show. C.C. was on fire. Poison had this cool custom built stage, with inset "portals" for pyrotechinics. That means there were holes in the stage. In a final plea from the wings of the stage, Bret got David & Jimmy to join them onstage. Jimmy's Body Guard & Personal Affairs Manager, gave me a spooky, stern look. I shrugged, "they'll have fun". It was either Bret's or C.C.'s prize Les Paul that was handed to Jimmy, as they were introduced to the cowd of 10,000 cheering fans. That guitar saved Jimmy's life. As David and Jimmy walked out onstage to the tune of Led Zeppelin's "Rock'n'Roll", Jimmy fell right into the hole in the stage. My heart sank. The entire arena was silent. Then, with that cherubic grin, he crawled back out onto the stage, (with a 2 piece Les Paul) and Jimmy, like the true Rock Hero he is, says..."Can I have a different guitar? This one doesn't play very good". All of a sudden C.C. goes into "Stairway to Heaven". Jimmy immediately vetoed that one, and threw down some "Rover". It was a crazy fantastic trainwreck, and quite an end to the show. Jimmy was hurt. We had to take him to the Hospital. It was the longest ride, and yet only a mere 4 or 5 blocks to St. Mary's Hospital. You go from a Rock Concert with all that music and crowd cheers, to the sterile quiet of an emergency room. Jimmy was going to be just fine. He cracked 2 ribs. The lights were bright, the Doctors & Nurses were stern, we were on our best behavior. Check in and paperwork, all serious. Lots of questions...."Name?", "James Page"...."Occupation?"...(Jimmy looks at me and grins)..."Time Waster"....

Blind Melon

Ok, it's time for a KRZQ story. For those of you who don't know, Daniel Cook & I, (along with many other very talented people) took over KRZQ in the spring of '87. It was the first time in many years that there was 2 Rock stations in Reno (KKBC went away in, like '80). March 13th, (a Friday) 1992, at 3:00pm, I flipped KRZQ "Alternative". Prior to that we were considered a "Rock 40", and we played Guns'N'Roses and the Cure, along with cool all time greats. A switch to "Alternative" was an arduous and ambitious task. We worked hard, and brought a lot of cool "Low Dough" shows to town. One of them being Blind Melon & Flowerhead at the Ice House, (now a strip club) for $1.00. It was early March of '93. There was still snow on the ground in Reno from a recent storm. Both Bands made it to town, and KRZQ provided the P.A. system & lights for the show. I was having Dinner, when the club called, the band had screwed up the monitor system, and now was refusing to play. I talked to their road mgr, and told him I would get a new monitor system. I called Scott at Starsound, at 7pm, on a Saturday night, and my old friend came through for me, delivered a new monitor system, and even set it up. When we arrived at the club an hour later, Blind Melon, still refused to play. What? I got you a new monitor system! Play! Blind Melon's Road Manager told me that Shannon, (Shannon Hoon, singer) Was so stressed that he strained his vocal chords yelling at the crew. So? Play! They Refused. The club was packed to capacity. A lot of people had driven a long way to be there, and I hated to dissapoint them. I got on stage, and made the announcement, "Radio Buddies" Blind Melon will not be playing tonight. If you want your dollar back, we'll do that, otherwise, KRZQ says "Free Beer" for the next hour,and Flowerhead will play! Shannon Hoon was standing 10 feet away from me in the audience, and yells "Make us out to be the Bad Guys!" I jumped off the stage, microphone in hand, I'd had it with his RockStar attitude. I said, "tell 'em why you won't play, didn't I get you 2 different P.A. systems? Didn't I get the band and crew Hotel Rooms? Didn't I feed you all twice?" He just stood there, after a long pause, and said "F*ck You!" I grabbed the Microphone back, and said, "There you have it, straight from Shannon, Reno gets a big F*ck You from Blind Melon!" Shannon took a swing at me. This was not a good idea. Shannon was maybe 5'7", I'm 6'5", he weighed maybe 140. I'm stepping in at 210. I reached out with my arm, putting my hand on top of his head, and held him at bay while he furiously swung away, unable to reach me with his blows (all of you with little brothers have used this same trick). Finally, I picked him up by his jacket, and belt loop, and tossed him out into a pile of snow, I looked at the rest of the band, "who's next?" none of them wanted to take me on. Blind Melon got on their Bus, and got the hell out of Reno. It's too bad, they were a good band. They were something. I got to see them backstage at Cal Expo, when they opened for Jimmy Page & Robert Plant, they were cordial. I felt real bad when Shannon overdosed and died about a month later. I guess the old formula goes like this: I'll write a song about the future, and song about the past, and then I'm gonna off myself, and make the music last. Shannon's hanging out with Brad Nowell (of Sublime), two of the greatest songwriters from the '90s, gone before their prime...

The Artists

Your Career is not your identity. Your hopes, dreams, and visions are. Your ability to connect with other Human Beings is your legacy. Not how much money you made. Money is important, let's consider it fuel. But my question is, why is it always the artists who are always looked upon to save the world. Is it because they connect with people, where our elected officials don't? Is it because they convey Hope where other leaders pursue an agenda? Could it be then, that dreams themselves live in the hearts of those who believe & participate? Quantum Physics, the dreams "stuff" is made of? We all have dreams, even those who've let them die. What is your vision?

Tracklisting for Max Volume's "Illuminaughty"

It's finally here! My new cd "illuminaughty (c) (p)2007"! I want to thank my Bass Player John Gaddis, my Drummer Chuck Ruff (Edgar Winter & Sammy Hagar), and my Austin, Texas, hotshot guitar slinger brother Widgeon Holland, whom I somehow convinced that it would be a good thing to forego several days & nights of summer fun, to sit in a studio and make my new cd really, really good. But Wait! Don't Forget Pat Cola & Mike (Underpants) Grover from PUSHBoX, who played on the song Reno, Nevada!
1. Truckee River Daydream/ Day To Last Forever Reprise -an intro to...
2. Reno, Nevada- I wanted to write a song about Reno that was all about Horses, Mountains, Snow & Happy Stuff!
3. Trollman- this song is about killing the fear inside you.
4. BTJ -Stands for "Billy The Janitor" I wrote this steel guitar bit right after I found out one of my best friends, and fellow radio Dj was killed and robbed of his gear after leaving a radio remote in Orlando, Florida.
5. Long Road To Nowhere- I was at Bully's, with some friends (Beer was involved) and this one guy at the end of the bar was going on & on about his "Cheatin' Lying Tweekin' Bitch"! I went over and smacked him upside the head (just like my Irish Grandfather used to do when he'd ask me if I wanted somrthing to cry about), told him to shut up, quit crying. "Dude" I said, "we've all starred in that movie".
6. Gemini Wind -Ok, so John Mayer wrote the lyrics. It was a contest in Esquire Magazine. John threw down the gauntlet, "here's the lyrics, you write the music". So I Did. I wrote a song with John Mayer! Yay!
7. Girl I want it all- perhaps the naughtiest, horniest lyrics I ever wrote. Women Rock!
8. Want Her Bad -A Valentine's Day present, I, unfortunately was never able to deliver. So now it belongs to you. A cross between Tesla & Perfect Circle.
9. And We Swam -I awoke from a disturbing dream. My Son and I were in a used record store. The Clerks were Chris Payne & Jack Black, (like an out-take from John Cusack's "High Fidelity"). They belittled us and made fun of us for everything we were buying. It was pure comedy. I kept asking what song they were playing. "Song, what song?" "Do you hear voices too"? They railed on us. Standing over by the turntable was Nick Danger who kept pointing to the label on the record, which said "Swam". I woke up in the middle of the night and wrote the whole thing in 20 minutes. And invented a new tuning, The low E is dropped to a C, the B is dropped to A sharp. Thanks Nick!
10. Baby's Got Ink -What? Brad Paisley's the only guy to ever sing about a hottie with a Butterfly Tatoo?
11. Empty Heart Blues -Robert Johnson was in town for Hot August Nights. He stopped by.
12. Where Do Old Cheerleaders Go To Die? Or Strippers? NFL guys? In America there are people whose career plans change when they hit 30. Disposable People, with 40 years left to live. Now What?
13. More & More -A Beatles Moment, me on piano, "jonesing" (an '80's term, yet so apropo) for the stage.
14. The Road To Now -most of the people you know are thinking about yesterday, and tomorrow. No one thinks about Now. Yesterday got you here, tomorrow will be just fine,....if you pay attention NOW!
15. Why Are You Here? An old girlfriend shows up to let me know I was the "one that got away"....

Who Is Widgeon Holland?

It was a dark, cold, Reno winter night. My friend Kyle Archuletta had called to say he was Hosting an "Open Mic" night at his (then) club, Beaches, and that I, "should grab my guitar" and join the fun. Deciding that I would rather hang out with cool people rather than watch TV, I did.
Beaches was packed, with a who's of the Reno Music Scene. I met a couple of guys, who looked like wayward Frat boys. James Skipper, Austin Texas native, and Nick Alverson, Reed High Graduate. I'd seen them on campus at UNR. Skipper looks like Matt McConaghey, and Nick could be Matt Damon's stunt double. They were trouble looking for a place to happen.
All 3 of us broke strings. We served up heapin' helpings of "Folk Music Shot From Guns". Later, Skip says, "you should join us at Harry's Watering Hole". "Every Thursday, our friend Drew hosts a kickass party".
3 weeks later I showed at Harry's. As I sat my Guitar down, I was greeted to a packed house, and all eyes and ears were fixed on the stage. Skip was up there with some guy in a robe, wearing Dark Glasses, looking like he'd just left a party at the Playboy Mansion. It was Widgeon Holland doing the Gigolo Bullet revue. To this day, I remember the set as one of the best shows I'd ever seen.
Widgeon Holland was born in March 1975 to a prominent hippie couple at their home, in Austin Texas. His Dad, Travis Holland was famous in these parts, most notably as a Cosmic Cowboy, and revered seminal Willie Nelson sideman.
At age 16, Widgeon was signed to a management contract with Stevie Ray Vaughan's manager, Chesley Millikin. Chesley was the original head of Epic Records in London. He, for many years, was known for his close working relations with the Rolling Stones, and the Grateful Dead. Chesley discovered Stevie Ray Vaughan, and remains one of Rock's enduring legends.
Chesley adopted Widgeon at age 17, so he could take him on a world tour as the new guitar player for ...Long John Baldry. Widgeon went on to play many music festivals around the world touring with his own "Widgeon Holland Trio", and was lauded for some wicked ass jams with Ronnie Wood, and Eric Burdon.
Releasing several successful Widgeon Cd's in Europe, (where he resides), he is acclaimed as a living legend of Texas Blues....with some Funk in da Trunk. America? Not so much here,...yet. A Fall and Winter West Coast Tour could change all that.
When I met Widgeon, we started writing songs as if we'd known each other all our lives. We finished each other's riffs. Hear Widgeon rip the lead guitar on my new CD illuminaughty. Or just listen to the 4 songs on my myspace. Joined with Chuck Ruff on Drums, (Sammy Hagar, Edgar Winter), and John Gaddis, (legendary Reno Bass player), plus Cola & Underpants from PUSHBoX (on Reno, Nevada), Widgeon and I Kick the sh*t out our our guitars to bring you rock for the new millenium, on our CD "iluminaughty"...
Now if I had decided to stay home and watch TV...

Why The Hate?

Where is the Love? As a student, I studied the world's religions, and Buddha once said, "All the Troubles, Worry & Strife in the World today are Caused by Greed". To a large extent, that's true. Think about it. I think we can add to that...jealousy. Western civilization encountered a peculiar phenomena in the 20th century, with the advent of Movies, TV, Sports, and Music. As a society we entered into a realm of "Star Culture", and "Star Worship". As many Psych classes as I had to take, (on the road to a degree), It became evident that there are those, who vicariously live their lives through their Heroes.
It is so easy to feel inconsequential and irrelevant, when you look at your life, and position in the world. Each one of us, a speck of dust. Truly, all we have is each other. If one of us has more, and it hurts because we have less, then jealousy takes over. Certainly, we all feel some sort of entitlement to our share of the "Horn of Plenty".
Casting aspersions upon each other, and tearing others down, will sometimes give you a rush, and make you feel better...for a moment, but it is the "Sugar High" of the psyche. The wound is still there. People who talk trash of others, are merely a textbook example of low self esteem and low self worth. Next time someone does so, give them a hug and tell them they're important too, and to do something positive, ...contribute to the universe.
90 percent of reality, is perception. What it is, is what you want it to be. I have so many haters I have to deal with, who fail to recognize their gifts, and shun all the good the universe wants to bring them. By giving power to the hate machine, hate begats hate, begats hate, and hate becomes stronger. Hate is embodied by all who hate. It is the dark force in the universe. We all have special gifts, things we do, that few others can. Find that thing you do, where you really shine, and do it a lot. You are a rockstar, claim your throne.
In my career, It has been my goal to make sure that those who have so little, have access (if they have a radio) to the best music ever made. If you have a radio, you can hear the best cd's, by the best bands, and their best songs. It has been paramount to give all a chance to win contests, and meet their heroes, regardless of race, creed, religion, or, whether you're hot or not. I'm always available to help your group, organization, or school events & fundraisers.
I always stop to talk to people. I often learn things from others. A different point of view can sometimes bring a perspective that helps you overcome those stumbling blocks. Sadly, the other day, (while giving out 40,000 roses) A lady comes up to me and starts bitching me out for something I didn't do. When I told her it could not have been me, she said "Well, it was somebody with blond hair". See, that's the kind of mentality that found so many tossed in jail. A crime was comitted, it was a black man...go get one...
I don't judge others, for I haved been judged all my life. I don't hate others, for people hate me. Why? Because they don't feel good about themselves. So when someone hurts you, realize it is because deep inside, they hurt, and they hate themselves, they hate their lives. I do not consider myself to be a celebrity. I'm a fan with a microphone. I think Dj's are a notch above Rodeo Clowns. However, you would not believe the things that have happened to me, because of celebrity.
I can write a whole book on people that have claimed to be me, impersonated me, and ran around town being me. Right now, there are several Max Volume's out here. It's a cool name. I chose it 25 years ago because it's on your radio. There is a guy here locally, on myspace: Maxxx Volume, who thinks so little of himself, that he is pretending to be me, and, as evidence of his cowardice, his profile is set to private, so who knows what he's all about! Plus, people will believe it's me! Well it's not, I'm Max Volume, yesterday, today & tomorrow, and this is MY SPACE.
One woman took it upon herself to conduct a character assasination of me because she was afraid that what I knew about her would become public. I had no intentions of exposing her, she would lose her job, and never work in her profession again, for that I could not handle the guilt. Once again, perception is 90 percent reality. Sad thing is, what she did to me, (a single Dad) many people believed it. Most people will believe anything you tell them. Case in point, jack someone's email with a cut & paste and send to all, your seemingly true account, or photoshop them in a compromising position. Karl Rove once said that to nip a bad piece of press in the bud, accuse your accuser of a greater misdeed, therby negating any creedence or validity of their statements, rendering them powerless.
Niccolo Machiavelli wrote a book called the Prince. Anyone who works for corporate America, needs to read this book. It is the precursor to most managerial thinking, and conclusions. But where is the love? The Dalai Lama once said, "We are all so different, yet so much alike, we all want the same things, Shelter, Warmth, Food, Love, yet we are all so different, that sooner or later we will get in each other's way, and make each other mad", so don't try to piss each other off,'re going to do it anyway.
Jesus was a rebel, he was a man who had independent thought, at a time when people couldn't, or wouldn't think for themselves, let he/she who has not sinned, cast the first stone. Bring the love to all you do, and let the universe bring to you all the good things that are waiting for you. What it is, is what you want it to be...

Hey N.F.L.!

More Cheerleaders, Less guys it? Good!


Hempoline...Gasoline made from Hemp. 100 times easier to make than ethanol. Google "Hempoline", Spread the word..tell everyone you know. How come our Politicians haven't brought it up?

David Coverdale

One of the first shows I ever saw, at 13 years of age, was Deep Purple's Burn Tour, featuring the (then) new singer, David Coverdale. It was awesome.
I never thought that someday, one of my best friends, Michael McIntyre, (who was the soundman, road mgr, and backbone of my band Terraplane) would, after working for Dokken, (Don would produce Terraplane's "Tell the Truth" ) and touring the world 8 times in Whitesnake, would become David Coverdale's Personal Affairs Mgr, and head up the Whitesnake Office in Incline Village, Nevada.
David would end up falling in love, and marrying my friend Cindy, from Reno. She's so awesome.
Michael McIntyre would call on me year, after year, to be involved with all kinds of Whitesnake Shenanigans. Most notably, when Jimmy Page came to Reno to make a CD with David, (1993's "Coverdale /Page) and I would be involved with all sorts of details in the achievment of the bond betwen the two English Kings, and the history of it's offering to the Rock World.
Jimmy is the coolest, most genuine, funniest, guy in rock. Jimmy is also a good friend. Not everyone gets to go drinking with the guy who wrote every great rock riff on the planet.
So I guess that's how I would wind up being (as David will call me), "The little brother he never wanted". David has been a mentor, whose leadership skills, business acumen, and artistic vision has, by osmosis seeped into my blood. 21 years later, we're still "ready and willing"!
David would continue to deliver giant epic rock, where his peers and contemporaries would waver and compromise, some sinking to the depths of obscurity, some doing "greatest hits tours" (and forgoing any new music), and some winding up becoming cartoon charicatures of themselves on reality television.
David's legacy of real world "guitar hero's" is the stuff of legends. From Deep Purple roots with Ritchie Blakmore, and Tommy Bolin, to Whitesnake's dawn with Mel Galley (rest his soul), Adrian Vandenberg, Steve Vai, Earl Slick, John Sykes, to the present day twin guitar attack of Reb Beach, and Doug Aldrich, Whitesnake is known the world over as one of the greatest guitar bands of all time.
Recently (9/3/08) David took over Rockline, the eternal "Talk to the Rockers" show hosted by 95.5 KLOS's Bob Coburn. This show has continued to be entertaining, informative, topical, and relevant, largely due to the ability of Bob being able to get Rock's hero's to open up and reveal themselves in a candid, casual arena, where you, the listener, call in and make the show. Hear the show, and watch video clips by going to and typing in "David Coverdale + Whitesnake" Or just go to and clicking on "Rockline" (keep in mind this website scrolls sideways, as do all snakes)
while you're at it, click on Whitesnake in our top friends, and add them,
You can add Terraplane too...
That's where it all began...
So, those of you, sitting on your couch, writing a song, a riff in your head, you never know where it will lead...
Max Volume
(I'm from Reno, Nevada...)

Metallica's "Death Magnetic"

Metallica is a band that is very dear to my heart. There, I said it. You will never ever see the words "Dear to my Heart" used in the same sentence as Metallica. I took a lot of sh*t from my P.D., and G.M. back in the early '80's when I started playing a record called "Kill Em All". I was one of the first Dj's in America to step up to the plate, and "champion" this band, and fight for their place on the playlist. I had just begun my career in radio, and i didn't get on the air to be a Dj, I got on the air to play ROCK!
Death Magnetic sounds like the lost album that should have come out right after "And Justice For All". Average song length 7:00. Dark, Seductive, Angry, Raw, Fast, Relentless. Metallica delivers perhaps their best record ever. All you haters can live in yesterday. There's a tackle box full of riffs on this CD that knocks me out. Lars' Drums are huge, Kirk is ferociously in attack mode, Robert fits in like we all knew he would, and James, well, James is the man...The "Road To Now" has led us here. Enjoy!
P.S. be listening to Rock 104.5 to see the band at the Cow Palace for the dress rehearsal of the new tour, (you and a few hundred others...)

Reno Woman Writes Oprah A Letter!

My friend Dana, showed me a letter she had printed, which was sent into the Oprah Winfrey Show. I have never watched the Oprah Winfrey show, but I do know she's quite popular, and her show is on during the day. In the letter, a lady from Reno wrote about how she couldn't find a decent man in Reno, and went on to declare that all the men in Reno were either "Washed up High School Hall of Famer Jocks", or "HornDogs who only want to have sex".
Hmmmm. Okay, let's absorb what isn't being said, given the information we have:
1. This Woman watches dayime television. Does she work swing shift? Have odd days off? Or live her life vicariously thru her "friends" on TV.
2. This Woman trusts Oprah to guide her. Does she have no real friends to discuss her hardships with? Does she ever leave the house, or is she enjoying a daily regimen of TV.
3. This Woman must hang out in "Sports Bars", where else would you find an abundance of, as she puts it "Washed Up High School Hall Of Famers".
4. Since women like sex too, does she not like sex? Sex is a 2 way street, and with a great partnership, it's a enjoyable to both people.
I am a straight man in Reno, who adores the women I know, or have known. I have been lucky that many women have taught me how to dress, and groom myself. I don't sleep with every woman I meet. I believe in Love. I treat women with respect, whether you're hot, or not.
I asked many of my friends, both men and women, how they felt about the Oprah letter.
One man said, "every woman I meet in Reno is a Tweeker (crystal meth nostril sauce)".
A woman said "every man I meet in Reno is an alcohlolic gambling addict".
Still another "All the women in Reno are lesbians".
Finally, one guy added "if I could find one nice girl who isn't tattooed".
One woman told me that after listening to the radio all across country, (while on vacation) that she knew she was home in Reno when she heard a commercial stopset on the radio that included: Tattoo shops, Payday Loans, and Strip Clubs.
I love Reno Nevada. In every city on earth there are all kinds of personalities, in every Atom, a Proton & Neutron. I don't judge people, for I have been judged all my life. I actually get to know someone, and then decide if I like them. However, I respect people for who & what they are.
I grew up in a fish bowl. I have been on the radio since I was 19. I have friends in high places & low, but remember perception is 90% reality. It doesn't matter if you have tattoos or are a horndog, what matters is who you are inside. I have heard all kinds of stories about me, and some are true. Try being a celebrity, see how long you last.
America is all about the Freedom. Freedom to make your own choices. Freedom to be who you want to be. It's you you have to live with. it's you you have to make happy.
If sitting on the couch and spending your days with Oprah makes you happy, so be it, but there are all kinds of awesome people out there, In Reno, holding that one dream in common. To find the one who makes them whole.

Zach and Miri make a Porno got Banned?

The same Utah Theaters that banned "Brokeback Mountain", have just banned "Zach & Miri make a Porno". However, these same theaters are showing "Saw V". How F**ked up is that? Apparently, it's okay to see a breast, as long as it's getting chopped off by an axe!

The New Guns n' Roses is...

IT'S REALLY, REALLY GOOD! My God is it good. Is it relevant? Completely. Is it contemporary? Amazingly so. Is is hip? On the nose, dead center. How's the songs? Well they're dark, brooding, angry, powerful, hard, biting, and leave you sayin', yeah, I meant that. But is it Guns N' Roses? Undeniably so. When I walked into the KOZZ studios Wednesday (11/19), revered KOZZ Promotions Director, Just Plain Chuck greeted me at the door, Chinese Democracy in Hand. "It Exists!" He said. Cool. I was one of the first Dj's on Earth to play Guns N' Roses. There has never been a bad Guns N' Roses record. Well, it was worth the wait. The songs feature sometimes as many as 5 guitarists, and dozens of musicians. Painful detail has been devoted to anyone and everyone who contributed. The songwriting is imaginative and apocalyptic, passionate and full of conviction. The sonic landscape and textural boundaries make sitting in the diamond of sound and feeling the full rich flavor of Guns N' Roses being delivered with the kind of production where the louder it gets, the more you hear & feel, a true pleasure . As far as the tracks go, I like all of them, but a couple that fly off the record are "Better", it's very art rock, on "If The World", a seductive Peter Gabriel essence transpires in both production and dynamics, and as a bonus, Axl belts out a falsetto like a Diva in a Red Dress, while "Catcher in the Rye" is all Gigantor Power Ballad....enormously intense. "There Was A Time" will have you turning it up louder, and louder, and louder, it's a feeling that feels better, when more, is more. "This I love" is what Elton John would sound like if he were to do a metal song, the piano is rapturously, infectiously potent. The production is epic, with Tent Reznor sensiblities. So on Sunday, (11/23) pick one up at Best Buy, and enjoy this disc that is so eternal, and of the one.

Top Of The Pops

From 1955 to 1995, 5,288 different Artists appeared on Billboard's Charts. 50% of them were one hit wonders. Write that one song, and get royalties forever. Write two songs, and people will demand 4 more.